Sunday, July 9, 2017


I've been doing nothing because I just woke up.

I've made stuff with cardboard and paper and plus I got mc Donald's

I did my holiday homework🤢 And I play a little (a lot) on my ipad

I made a paper fidget spinner and a paper boomerang

We went to the dairy and bought zombie chews and drinks

I went to lynn mall to eat food and buy stuff

I went to my grandma's house to sleep there

My grandma went to new Lynn mall to go shopping and she found a store that had free chocolate on display and she got my favourite chocolate I had at least 4-5 pieces! I was riding on my zooming razor scooter 🛴 it was uncontrollable! I was playing video games and was watching my favourite youtuber.

I was playing roblox with my brother and ate my favourite chocolate again, later that night I went to my family friend's house. First we ate nachos, after  we went down stairs to play hide n seek I was hiding in such a funny place that I could see everyone passing by and not noticing when they came near me. Then when they kept looking for me I came out with a surprise! It was me my brother this other boy that was one year younger than me and had the same name as my brother and his sister. When we got bored of playing hide n seek we started to play hot and cold that was much more fun but also much more aggressive! When someone hid a item in a box and the hider would say BURNING we new it was in a box and three people were fighting for it, when I found it (the thing that we were hiding was a fake diamond and we could only hide it in the garage) I hid it under a frisbee and put the frisbee under a huge bag. Everyone  thought it was in the bag but when I said it's not in the bag it's around it they started to tackle the bag and tip it over. My brother was laughing at the two kids because they were fighting like they were in a circus! I knew what my brother plan was, it was when the two kids said I see it, he would come and quickly grab it but the girl got it first. After we ate dinner with LAP and later we said good bye and walked to my grandma's house. (It was really close to their house)


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